"Creative Tribe Culture"

How we do things differently from your stereotypical outsource company

Different cultures work and communicate differently. We understand that this can be annoying at times. Therefore, our company culture is our framework for setting a common ground for us and the clients. What we have here is what you can expect from us as well as what we want from you.

Together we can rule the galaxy! (Yeah - too optimistic)

We Communicate

We are big on communicating upfront regardless of good/bad news.

We might make mistakes. But, we will still let you know.

We know that “Mum Effect” fails projects and we don’t want that to happen to your project.

We might make you upset, but we will be happy knowing that we corrected our course early, rather than waiting until it is too late.

We Say “No”

We don’t always agree just to make you happy.

If we think something is incorrect or if we disagree, we will speak up. It doesn’t mean we are always right. But, better to be safe than sorry!

We like working in an environment where it is safe to disagree. Disagreements can trigger productive discussions which in result will enhance the quality of work.

Tell Us “Why”

Or we will ask! Sorry - we are not trying to be annoying. But, we don’t want our job to be just writing code.

We want to know why we do what we do. We love to know that we are making things happen and helping to make the world a better place.

This makes us more accountable!

We Are Your Team

Don’t think of us any differently. It’s not “Us vs. Them”. We love to be treated as part of your team.

Make us feel that you value what we do.

Don’t look at us like we are your grunt workers in Sri Lanka. We too love interesting work. Not only the boring stuff that your local team doesn’t like.

Deadlines Are a Conversation

We understand that your operation has priorities and timelines.

But, we would appreciate if deadlines are a conversation rather than a dictation.

We are not fans of rushing to scrape things together to meet unrealistic timelines. This results in poor quality of work which neither of us wants.

Provide Feedback

We always strive to deliver high-quality results and great customer experience. We understand the value of long-term relationships.

Can you think of anything else we should do? Have you had a bad outsourcing experience you’d like to share with us?