A guide to engagement models

What you need to know when choosing an engagement model

Here’s what you need to know


Is the scope clear?
Do you anticipate scope changes halfway through the project?


Is the timeframe fixed?
Do you have enough time to experiment and decide what’s best?


Do you have a tight budget?
How important is it to know the budget in advance?


Do you want to manage the project?
Are you confident managing teams?

Fixed Price Model

Ideal for short term projects with a simple scope where the requirements are well defined. Most commonly used for websites.

We will initially discuss and agree on a scope for your project. We will also agree on delivery timelines and the cost of meeting the said scope.

The primary advantage of the fixed price model is that it allows you room to plan as you will know timelines and budgets in advance. The entire project will be managed by us while maintaining constant communication with you.

Time & Materials Model

Ideal for projects where the requirements and the scope is unclear. Most commonly used for MVPs or when validating ideas.

Your expenses under this model are the actual cost of the time spent by our resources which is billed in hours and the cost of other materials required for your project. With this model, you are free to update the scope or requirements whenever is necessary.

We prefer to work in short iterations so we can deliver frequently. This lets you hold off development if ever required and still end up with a usable solution.

Dedicated Development Teams

This is ideal for ongoing work and large-scale projects.

We will form a talented team with the skillset you are after. This can also involve us recruiting additional resources if we do not happen to have the people with the skills that you require or if we simply do not have sufficient resources.

This team will work from our premises as your internal staff or rather an offshore add-on to your team. But, you will not have to worry about infrastructure, human resource hassles and other operational challenges.

You will be managing the project and the team, which means you get maximum control over how the team operates and how the work is being done.

You will be essentially paying a monthly fee for the whole team. Each team member will contribute 40 hours per week.

This model requires a minimum commitment of 6 months and this also makes it the most cost-effective solution there is – the longer the commitment, the lesser the price per resource.